24 Hour Electrician in Liverpool: Old, unsafe wiring

So as an emergency electrician in Liverpool we attend lots of issues such as, burning, RCD tripping and blackouts regularly. 

We attended a problem last night where an old fuseboard had seen better days and the property had no power. 

If your fuseboard looks like the one in the photo then you need an upgrade. The fuseboard is the brains or centre of your electrical installation and is one of the major components in keeping you safe in your home.

Dangers with electric cannot always be seen, smelt or heard so it is important to have your electrical system looked at every few years to make sure it is safe for you and your family. 

We are a 24 hour electrician in Liverpool, Widnes and surrounding areas. We can attend and fix a variety of problems including: 

  • No Lights
  • Burning Smell
  • No Sockets
  • Faulty Electrics
  • Old Fuseboard
  • RCD tripped
  • Sparking
  • Circuit breakers tripped

And many more...

Electrician in Liverpool

If you have electrical problems then you can call us. It is more costly out of hours than during regular working hours but we are always happy to come if you need us to. 

Our contact info:

📞 0151 351 4011

📧 Fill in our contact form here.