Electrician in Warrington & Liverpool

As your local electricians in Liverpool and Warrington, we get asked a lot of questions...

How to fix a tripped fuse?

To fix a blown fuse in an older style fuse box you need to have the correct sized fuse wire. There is normally some fuse wire stored near your fuse box on a piece of card.  Make sure that you have removed the source of the problem that caused the fuse to blow in the first place or the wire will blow again straight away. 

How to reset fuse box?

A modern fuse box is called a consumer unit. It can be reset following the guidelines on the help sheet that we created for you. This can be found here: https://www.electricalfaultsfixed.co.uk/helpsheet/help-my-house-electrics-are-tripping 

No electricity; who do I call?

If you have absolutely no electricity at all then you need to call 105 to see if there is a power cut in your area or a problem with your equipment. If you have some electricity in the property then the fault is definitely in the property and nothing to do with the outside supply. 

Trip switch on fuse box won’t stay up?

If you have tried the information on the help sheet on our website and still not managed to get the switch to stay up then you definitely need to call us. We will have to come and carry out some fault finding to get to the bottom of the problem.

Is my old fuse board safe?

In some cases a very old fuse box can be dangerous. Modern consumer units have many more safety features that old units are lacking and offer a level of protection that older units cannot. If you are unsure about your old fuse board check out our help sheet: https://www.electricalfaultsfixed.co.uk/helpsheet/why-does-my-fusebox-need-replacing 

How old is my fuse board?

There is no exact answer however with a photograph we are likely to be able to date it to a rough decade. If you have an actual FUSE box containing fuse wire then it is likely to be around early to mid 80s at its youngest. 

Socket crackling? 

This is never a good sign and requires immediate investigation by a qualified electrician. The crackling sound is usually electricity trying to jump a gap indicating loose connections, damaged sockets or wiring and the associated risk of fire with this. 

Switch popping?

If a switch pops then it needs looking at straight away by a qualified electrician. A loud pop can indicate that wiring is damage and blowing behind the scenes. Crackling indicates damage also and it is recommended that this is checked out straight away. 

Why is my socket making noises?

If you have a socket making noises then it is likely that there are problems occurring within the socket or in the wiring connections behind. Electrical noises normally mean problems. Crackling, fizzing, popping and banging sounds need to be investigated quickly. Many of these indicate loose connections or failing internal components and left alone could result in a fire. 

Light Fitting Stays On

If you have recently installed a new light fitting which stays on then there is a problem with the wiring. Quite often this will now require an electrician to come and rectify the problem. We can trace which cable goes where with our test equipment and connect things back up safely. We can also make sure that the safety earthing wires to the light fitting actually make their way all the way back to the start of the electrical system. Without vital testing by an electrician such as this, there is no way to know if your new light or electrical system is safe. 

Socket won’t fit in back box

If you have recently installed a socket at home and it will not screw back properly then please stop trying. Many new sockets are slimmer than older ones or even completely flat on the front. When sockets are manufactured this way they require a deeper than normal box to sit back into and many properties were never wired with these deeper boxes. Attempting to force a socket into a box that is not deep enough will damage the wiring and cause expensive problems. Call us to assist you, to check the wiring and to get the job done right. 

Plug sockets without switches

These types of plug sockets are normally used for electrical appliances under counter in a kitchen. There is then normally a switch above that controls the socket. This is a good idea for a few reasons. The switch on the socket is sometimes a weak point and can fail, the appliance can be turned off above without having to pull it out full of dishes or water and the socket is less likely to fail as there are many less moving components. 

Why has my power tripped?

There are a number of reasons why your power might trip: 

  • Faulty sockets and switches
  • Water getting into the electrical system
  • Damage to wiring
  • Faulty appliances
  • Faulty trip switches

We have written a help sheet so you can attempt to get the power back on: https://www.electricalfaultsfixed.co.uk/helpsheet/help-my-house-electrics-are-tripping

If this doesn’t work then you will need to call us to come and investigate the problem for you.

What are RCD controlled circuits?

An RCD is a life saving device installed in your electrical system. It measures the flow of electrical current around your system and checks there is none missing. If there is some current missing then the RCD turns off the electrics quickly. The assumption is that missing electrical current is flowing through a person causing them to have a shock. 
RCD controlled circuits are those that the RCD watches over and checks on continually. Nearly every circuit in a domestic property should now have RCD protection for safety purposes. 

Socket no longer working; what should I do?

If you have a socket that is no longer working then there is either a problem with the plug socket or the wiring behind. No matter what the issue turns out to be, we are very experienced in dealing with this type of issue and are confident that we can fix the problem for you quickly and properly. 

House lights flickering

If you house lights are flickering then it is a sign of electrical issues. Make note of this situation. What time of day or night do the lights flicker? Is it all the time? Occasionally? This can indicate that there are loose connections in the circuit or in your electrical installation or outside in the street.

Why are my sockets tripping?

There are a number of reasons that sockets trip and one of the most common reasons is due to a faulty appliance. If your sockets won’t come on then try unplugging everything (removing the plug from the wall) and then attempting to turn on again. There is a help sheet on our website here: https://www.electricalfaultsfixed.co.uk/helpsheet/no-sockets-what-next and other help sheets that you may find useful in attempting to fix your problem.

Why is my fuse box smoking?

Your fuse box is smoking because there is likely something in there that is smouldering or burning. Either is not good. Do not go near your fuse box and if you can, turn off all the appliances in your house / unplug everything. It is important that all electrical equipment is removed to limit the strain on the consumer unit whilst there is such a problem. If you are in ANY doubt then please call us. If you feel unsafe then don’t hesitate to call emergency services if there is smoke / fire. 

Why does my fuse board keep tripping?

There is an electrical problem that requires some attention from an experienced electrician that can test.

Why is my light switch giving me a shock?

There is likely an earth connection missing somewhere or something wired incorrectly. In any event, we specialise in fault finding and are happy to come and investigate the fault for you. 

Why is my light switch tripping the breaker?

There is likely a problem with the switch cable or the light fitting.

How much does a house rewire cost uk?

This is a question that often require a site visit and a quote and depends on the size of the property and the equipment that you want installed. 

Cost of rewiring a 3-bedroom house UK?

A typical 3 bedroom house in the UK will cost around 6k – 7k to rewire. This does depend on a lot of different factors so we recommend that you contact us and we can arrange a visit to quote the rewire of your property for you. 

Cost of rewiring a bungalow UK?

The average bungalow could cost around 5k -8k to rewire but we do recommend that you contact us to arrange a visit to quote properly. Every homeowner will require sockets in different quantities and in different rooms in order to suit their needs. Every home layout is also different and electrical system design will vary from one installation to another.

Why are my electrical sockets stiff?

They could be jamming due to wear and tear or could be very new and not yet run in. 

We hope this answered some of your burning questions, if not, give us a call today and one of our friendly electricians will happily assist!