My electric meter is damaged, can you fix it?
No. This is normally something that your energy supplier would need to do. If we notice damage to your electric meter whilst we are in your home carrying out work then we will inform you and help you get the correct person out to repair the damage or replace the equipment but it is not something that we can do for you. The electric meter in the photograph had its cover missing. We were able to find the cover on the floor in the cupboard and reattach it to prevent any electric shock risk but this then needed to be sealed. We instructed the homeowner to contact their supplier to come and make safe the meter.
There is smoke coming from my meter, help!
First of all stop reading and contact 105. 105 is the network operator and wherever you are in the country you will be put through to the local network operator for your area. Tell them there is smoke coming from your meter and that you have an emergency. They may be able to attend and isolate the power supply to the meter for you whilst you wait for the utilities company to come and replace the equipment.
My meter looks melted / black / brown / yellow / discoloured
This may be an issue depending on the severity. If the unit is slightly discoloured all over then it may just be staining or age that has caused the problem. If the unit is discoloured in one spot and perhaps brown or black then this is indicative of a very bad situation. As above, the best course of action would be to contact 105 and explain the situation. Whilst the equipment is not theirs they are in charge of the power supply equipment to your home and may be able to attend and make the installation dead to prevent any further issues. It would then be a case of contacting your electricity supplier to come and replace the equipment.
In general if you have any electric meter related enquiries or a DAMAGED ELECTRIC METER then these should be directed towards your electricity supplier. If you need to find out who your energy supplier is then the following link is useful and by navigating through the page you can find this information out.
If you need any advice or assistance with anything electrical then please feel free to get in touch with us. We will point you in the right direction even if it is not our job to help. 😊