The fuseboard in your home is the electrical brains, even the control center for your electrical installation if you will.
It has many names, consumer unit, fusebox, electrical box and so on. The important thing to remember is that the box is there to protect you. It is only as safe as it's most recent inspection, the most recent equipment and its proven operation. The humble consumer unit / fuseboard can only protect you to the best of it's most recent technological ability.
This box needs checking regularly by an electrician to ensure its continued safe operation. Once every 10 years is recommended. The components need to be free from damage, burn marks, mechanical strain, overheating and so on. The components in your fusebox (consumer unit) need to be matched to the type of installation you have at your home and the equipment that you have within your home. If the components within this box become damaged like in the picture then they really need to be replaced to ensure their continued operation to keep you safe.
Lots of homes still have a fusebox that relies on fuse wire. The idea being that in the event of a fault there will be a large surge of electrical current which will very quickly heat up the fuse wire and cause it to melt, blow or explode depending on the size of the electrical current fault. If you have one of these boxes in your home then you need to have an electrical inspection carried out as you may require a new consumer unit or even a rewire of your home. These fuse wire type fuseboxes / consumer units offer little protection against electrical fires / arcing, electric shock or other electrical issues.
The picture shows a more modern consumer unit however this still requires repair and possible replacement due to damage.
The most important thing is that you and your family are safe, we are always on hand to help. Whether it’s a full electrical inspection, a visual inspection or just some impartial advice, contact us however you feel comfortable doing so and we will always do our best to help you.
V & A Burgess Ltd