July 2024
Our homes are full of electrical technology these days yet many have outdated wiring systems and fuse boxes. With the extra electrical demands that we now place upon our homes electrical system, there are often things that can go wrong.
If you have a BURNING SMELL IN HOUSE then there could be an issue with the electrical system that requires immediate attention.
Back to top1) Why is there a burning smell?
For electricity to function correctly as a system in our home it requires sufficient electrical force (voltage), minimal obstruction (resistance) and adequate flow (current).
When electrical connections become loose there is a problem. Poor contact means that there is an increase in the obstruction and therefore there is not adequate flow. This causes heat to build up which brings a further obstruction to electrical current flow.
Once this situation begins, it is not long before wiring connections and cabling overheat and burn out. The smell as a result of this is a fishy, plastic type smell. Once you have experienced the smell of electrical burning you will not forget the pungent odour.
Back to top2) Tackling repairs
There is no safe way to carry out DIY electrical work unless you are a trained professional. Minor electrical tasks like changing a light bulb or replacing a plug top are safe if a competent guide is followed.
Attempting to tackle burnt out wiring repairs is fraught with danger and pitfalls and should be left to a professional electrician to carry out. Electrical wiring repairs are a technical task and compliance must be achieved with the BS7671 wiring regulations.
A good idea is to establish where the smell has come from. This will save a licensed electrician some time on site and may even enable you to get quote for repairs quicker.
Back to top3) Will a circuit breaker trip?
A circuit breaker will not always trip even when there is an electrical burning smell. If you have a BURNING SMELL IN HOUSE then there is a good chance that an older fuse box or consumer unit may not detect the issue. It may be down to you to discover the cause and contact and emergency electrician for assistance.
Circuit breakers are designed to trip when too many appliances or light bulbs are used and not for a potential fire. In order to prevent further damage, don’t rely on the circuit breakers or fuses in your fuse box. The best way of preventing problems from getting worse is to turn off all the trip switches in your consumer unit along with the main switch. This will isolate the power and prevent electrical issues from getting worse.
Once your power is turned off, call an urgent electrician straight away to ask them to investigate the issues for you.
Consider changing an older fuse box for a modern consumer unit. The latest technology available is able to detect an electrical issue much quicker than old technology.
Back to top4) Older Homes
Unfortunately, older homes tend to be more at risk from electrical issues especially where they have not been rewired recently, had regular maintenance to the electrical system or had the electrical connections checked out.
Where a burnt smell or electrical fire smell is detected, it could well be that wiring junctions are beginning to fail, an old fuse box is damaged or electrical accessories need inspecting and replacing.
Due to the hidden nature of wiring systems the source of the smell can be difficult to pin down, faulty wiring and electrical cords can be buried in floor cavities or the attic.
Electrical wiring is not meant to last forever and will eventually fail. As the PVC insulation around the copper wire heats up and begins to melt, a strange smell of rotten eggs or smoky odour may be noticeable. A burning plastic smell is also common with failing electrical components and with older homes there are sometimes odd smells that are difficult to pin down.
This damage to electrical equipment from melting and burning is irreversible and the wiring or electrical equipment affected will have to be replaced.
Back to top5) Warning Signs
When electrical problems being to start, it is often not convenient to deal with them immediately. Electrical outlets may begin to fail intermittently, lights may flicker or switches might trip in the electrical panel or consumer unit.
These warning signs should not be ignored and may indicate that a rewire is imminent.
Before committing to a rewire, it is worth a chat with a trustworthy electrician to see if there are perhaps some repair works that could be carried out instead of the expense of a rewire. Where wiring systems are looked after they can last for 50 years or more before needing rewiring.
This means that it is possible that there may just be some electrical faults or minor issues that need repairing in your home rather than a total rewire.
Back to top6) Preventative Measures
Prevention is better than cure and in order to avoid the issue with a BURNING SMELL IN HOUSE some proactive and preventative measures may be needed.
An older house will likely contain old equipment in need of servicing and maintenance. Routine maintenance should always be carried out on equipment regardless of age to prevent premature failure or electrical breakdown.
Back to top7) Circuit overload
An overloaded circuit is often the source of the burning smell or smoky odour. When wiring and components are loaded beyond their capability, they overheat causing fire hazards. Most electrical panels or consumer units should protect against this situation from occurring BUT, if there are design problems, DIY electrical installation or other factors then the system may not switch off when it needs to.
Overloading a wall socket beyond its capabilities is a common issue that causes partial circuit overload, that is, one part of the circuit cannot cope with the load but the circuit overall won’t trip.
Most wall outlets are not sufficiently rated to cope with TWO power hungry appliances being used simultaneously. In the UK, double plug sockets are generally only rated to 13 amps meaning a dishwasher and washing machine in the same socket will cause a problem.
Back to top8) Summary
As Emergency Electricians we often get calls to properties where nothing has tripped at the consumer unit but there is a BURNING SMELL coming from somewhere. Just because there is a burning smell or melting of electrical wiring or accessories does not mean that your fuseboard /consumer unit will detect this and trip out.
In fact, many consumer units are not sensitive enough to trip for these kinds of issues due to their age and limited protection they offer for the electrical installation and users of that.
If you can smell electrical burning then there are several steps you should take immediately.
- Turn off all electrical appliances and unplug from the wall where safe to do so
- Go to your consumer unit and turn off any and all circuit breakers
- If possibly also turn off your main switch
- Call us on 0151 351 4011 straight away so we can attend to investigate
If there is a fire then call the fire brigade and follow their advice, we will attend afterwards to ensure that the electrical installation is safe to turn back on.
Lots of different factors can cause electrical installations to burn, melt, over heat and in some cases catch fire. Only an experienced and qualified Electrician can investigate these issues and look at the design of the installation and what has likely caused the problems.
We are experts in emergency fault finding, design and diagnosis of issues. You can check the gallery on our website to see some of the issues that we come across or check our Instagram page @electricalfaultsfixed to see more pictures of our emergency attendance and some other works.
We are your local 24 hour emergency electricians in Liverpool and surrounding areas. We can attend for a variety of issues including power loss, burning smells and partial power loss. We also carry out all sorts of electrical works so contact us if you need anything.