We will respond in an emergency if you have no lights, no socket, a blackout, total power loss, no power and so on! We are 24/7 Emergency Specialists. We can be at your property very quickly normally within an hour if not 2 hours. This is classed as urgent.
We can help restore power to your property and either repair or quote to repair anything that needs to be sorted out.
If it is a total power loss then it is often best to call 105 first to see if it is your installation or a local power cut. If it is a partial power loss then call us first. We will attend in the middle of the night if you need us.
If you have damaged a socket or a light switch or something is hanging off and you need us then call us. You can check our website and Instagram page to see the kind of emergencies that we attend.
Perhaps you have a circuit breaker tripping or an RCD tripping? Don’t keep resetting it there IS a problem…. We will investigate for you.
We will try to help you on the phone before attending if we can!
You can find more information and pricing, visit our dedicated page HERE
We usually find the issue in the first hour and get you back up and running quickly. We carry many spare parts and can replace lots of different branded consumer unit parts if needed.
Payment for the first hour is taken via Paypal before attending your property.