Emergency Electrician Near Me
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1) My sockets are tripping...Don't worry; Your Local Emergency Electrician in Liverpool is here to help🆘

If you find that your sockets are tripping then this is quite often a good time to look for an “EMERGENCY ELECTRICIAN NEAR ME” as this can be a problem that needs attention quickly. There are a number of things that can cause sockets to trip such as:

  • Faulty Appliances
  • Faulty Wiring
  • Damaged Sockets
  • Melted or burnt wires or switches
  • Trapped Cabling
  • Faulty Trip Switch

If you suspect that you have any of these issues then some of them could be investigated without the need for calling an emergency electrician. For instance, if you find that your sockets are tripping your electrical supply then it could be that a faulty appliance is causing the issue. 

You can check if this is the case by simply disconnecting all the plugs from the plug outlets in your home. This can be a bit more tricky than it sounds as there will be difficult to reach plugs behind appliances and furniture and there also may be some appliances that you have forgotten about such as extraction hoods and water filters. 

When you are unplugging all the equipment in your home it is important to be methodical and check that you have disconnected everything in each room before moving on. 

Once you have managed to disconnect everything in your home then you can try turning the trip switch back to the “on” position. If the trip switch stays on then it MAY be a faulty appliance that has caused the issue. In this case, connect each appliance to the plug sockets one by one until you find the appliance that trips the electric supply. 

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2) That did not work what else could it be?

If that didn’t work or the trip switch would not reset even AFTER you had disconnected all the equipment and appliances in your home then it could be that you have one of the other problems listed. Sometimes there is no way to fix these things by yourself and the only way to get a solution is to call an electrician. 

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3) What if it is faulty wiring?

When you call an “EMERGENCY ELECTRICIAN NEAR ME” they will be able to carry out testing on your wiring using specialist test equipment and electrical knowledge. They will be able to determine if the trip switch is faulty, sockets have gone bad or if there is faulty wiring buried in your walls, floors or loft. This of course, takes some time and can be slowed down if there is a lot of furniture or personal possessions in your home. The electrician will need to gain access to each and every socket, switch or electrical accessory on the affected circuit in order to narrow the problem down. On occasion, there are junction boxes or junctions that are buried in the floor or walls that can fail and these are a real pain to locate! ☹ 

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4) Damaged Sockets

Plug sockets are not designed to work forever and occasionally they can become damaged with wear and tear, overheating, overuse or just plain mechanical failure. Plug sockets actually contain moving parts inside and these are weak points for poor electrical contact and eventual failure. If you have a damaged plug socket then it is possible that this is the cause of trip switch problems. An electrician can carry out fault finding and investigate these problems for you to locate the issue. 

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5) Melted or Burnt Wires or Switches 🔥

The worst kind of issue is that which is hidden. Wiring that has been installed poorly, junctions that are badly fitted, under strain or have loose connections can all lead to melted or burnt wires. Switches can often contain lots of connections to the rear and this can also cause problems. 

When a junction is hidden in your property it needs to be a maintenance free junction. What is meant by this? Well, a maintenance free junction has been deemed by the manufacturer of the electrical junction as safe to be buried. Often bearing a ‘MF’ logo enclosed by a circle, a maintenance free junction will be safe to bury in a floor cavity, loft or wall where it should not need to be inspected or maintained in any way. 

When non-maintenance free junctions are enclosed in the fabric of the building we can eventually see serious problems. There have been many instances where “connector block and tape” type junctions have failed and we have had to dig them up to find them ☹ Please don’t attempt electrical cable repairs yourself, it is important that a qualified electrician carries these out safely and correctly in accordance with the safety wiring regulations BS7671 and any building regulations in force.

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6) Trapped Cabling

When a cable becomes trapped, the wires within the cable can pinch together and occasionally touch or come into such close contact that electrical current can pass directly between each of the wires inside the cable causing a short circuit or an INSULATION FAULT. The various components in our consumer units / fuse boxes / fuse boards are designed to detect this depending on how modern the unit is. 

A common cause for a trip switch tripping is a pinched or damaged cable. These types of fault can be very difficult to locate especially if they are only causing an intermittent problem. W

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7) Faulty Trip Switch

Trip switches are not designed to blow, trip or switch off continually. When they do their job and turn off they are not simply switching power off. They are often breaking a very large electrical fault current. 

This huge electrical force needs somewhere to go and in many cases the trip switches have a force dissipation type mechanism inside so they can safely get rid of the electical fault in a tiny space and a miniscule time period. This takes its toll on these devices, and if they are continually reset, will result in a failed, faulty trip switch.

Trip switches can also become too sensitive are they age and will sometimes trip when they do not need to or BEFORE they need to. It is rare but it does happen. There are tests that an electrician can do to determine if this is happening and why it is happening and if it transpires that the device is faulty then replacement is the way to fix it. 

In any event you will need an “EMERGENCY ELECTRICIAN NEAR ME” to fix thee types of problems for you. DIY and Electrical do not mix. 😊

7.1) Our contact info:

📞 0151 351 4011

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