Electrician in Liverpool: Common problems with the fuse-box (consumer unit)

Let’s talk about fuse boxes, consumer units, electrical boxes, trip switch boxes and the fuse box common problems.

The first thing we need to understand is what this mystic box on the wall actually does in your home. It sits there most of the time, quietly, unobtrusively carrying out its important job and minding its own business. The first time we will pay any attention to it is when there is a problem and it is at this point, you really need to know what this box does and why resetting a switch continually is not a good idea!

The fuse box on the wall is usually made of metal or plastic and it performs several important functions depending upon its age and equipment installed inside. More modern fuse boxes offer more protection. 

A fuse box / consumer unit can help with:

  • Protecting cables from damage
  • Preventing electric shock to people
  • Preventing damaging surges affecting cables and equipment in your home
  • Preventing electrical fires

The consumer unit is also responsible for:

  • Splitting up the main power into your home into different circuits
  • Powering all of your homes electrical system
  • Turning on and off the electrical supply automatically in an emergency and for maintenance
  • Preventing unnecessary power cuts to the whole house when there is a fault
  • Detecting faults in the wiring in your home

Now that we know what this box on the wall does, we can look at some common problems with them.

Common problems with the fuse box / consumer unit

Trip switch problems: This is a very common complaint indeed. When a trip switch is tripping off there is a very good reason for it.  The trip switch is there to protect cables and in some cases protect against electric shock, if it is flipping off it is normally because there is a problem with the wiring, circuit or something connected in your home and NOT because the switch is faulty. 

So many times a customer will call us for a “Quote” to replace a trip switch, when, in actual fact there is an electrical fault that will require by-the-hour chargeable fault finding. Some customers then think we are trying to rip them off because we won’t give a price for replacing a switch when in fact we are trying to prevent them spending money changing a switch that does not require changing. 😊

Cracking noises: Let me just say now, please don’t go to an internet video site to fix this yourself. Get an electrician immediately if you are hearing cracking noises coming from your fuse box. There is no possible safe, easy fix for this and it is ABSOLUTELY a job for a qualified electrician that can work safely on electrical installations. 

If there are crackling noises from your fuse box or anything electrical then it is generally not a good sign and should be investigated immediately! 

Holes in the consumer unit: If you have openings or holes in the fuse box / consumer unit then these can be very unsafe. The photograph above shows a VERY UNSAFE situation. It is entirely possible in this situation to receive a fatal electric shock by simply inserting a finger or other object into the box here.

This danger is somewhat increased when children or pets are present in the home and an electrician should be called immediately to rectify this situation! 

Fuses or switches that are loose: All electrical components should be correctly secured and unable to come loose. When there are loose parts in your fuse box then this gives rise to a high risk of electrocution and or fire. Loose wires cause fires. 

Strange smells coming from the fuse box: If you find that there are strange smells coming from your fuse box then this needs to be investigated by an electrician. Strange smells can indicate electrical burning, melting or smouldering and often smoke cannot be seen if it is contained within a fuse box. Smoke can escape up a cavity away from the fuse box due to the normal openings that are present in the rear. 

Fuses that blow regularly: You should nearly never have to replace a fuse in a fuse box. They are only designed to blow when there is a problem so if this is happening often then there is a problem that needs investigating by an electrician. 

Lights are flickering: Whilst there can be a number of causes for this issue, if you find that your lights are flickering then the cause may be down to your fuse box. The only way to know this for sure is to ask an electrician to come and spend some time investigating the problem. 

Poor wiring: No one except an electrician will ever look inside a fuse box and as such it will be difficult for a homeowner to know the condition of the wiring inside. Fuse boxes are often cramped places and wiring can become trapped inside causing faults to occur.

Overloaded sockets: These can cause a fuse box to blow fuses or trip a switch. 

These are the most common fuse box problems and there are others. If you have any issues with your electrical installation then it is best to call a suitably qualified electrician to deal with the problem for you. Electrical installations are very dangerous and electricians have to follow the electrical wiring regulations when working on electrical wiring and systems. These regulations are nearly 600 pages and compliance is very important to ensure safety. 

Electricians will also carry out electrical testing and measurements on the circuits they have worked on to ensure the work has been done safely, these things cannot be achieved with a DIY approach unfortunately. 

If you need help or advice with fuse box common problems, fill out our contact form or give us a call and we will be happy to help. 😊