Good Trades-persons? Electrician in Liverpool&Warrington
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1) Not everyone knows a good trades-person when they are needed. 

1.0.1) Even as tradespeople ourselves we can struggle to find good trades-persons for various jobs that need carrying out. 

We have, over time, built a small network of trusted trades-persons that can carry out works for us personally and that we can recommend to our customers as people that will do a good job. 

When you need DOMESTIC ELECTRICIANS NEAR ME the best solution to finding someone is often to use an internet search engine such as Google to find the local electricians that you need. A good way of checking if the electricians are any good is to read the Google reviews about their business. A good number of Google reviews can show that there are many satisfied customers that are happy to share their experience. 

It is not easy to find a good tradesperson and you do not always know what you are getting if you respond to an advert online or in the local paper. Its important to check their business out a little bit first. Look for a professional website that is filled with useful information and helpful advice. A good electrician’s company will have lots of photographs of their work and will be happy to write about it online. 

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2) What kind of electricians?

There are many different kinds of electricians that specialise in many different areas. Commercial electricians will specialise in premises such as small shops through to large supermarkets, stadiums and warehouses. Industrial electricians will specialise in machinery, plant supplies and factory installations and repairs. 

Domestic electricians will specialise in electrical installations and their repair in private homes and rented properties. Within this, there are many areas of electrical work that may not interest all domestic electricians. Some electricians prefer to only take on the larger jobs such as house rewiring and new build electrical installation works. This can make it difficult for customers to find the right electrician for them and their project. 

A good website for an electrical company will detail all their electrical works and describe the kind of works that they carry out for customers. 

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3) Emergency?

Perhaps you have an emergency and need an electrician to come out immediately to sort out a problem in your home? Not every electrician is happy to attend for emergencies as this can mean that they work late into the night and this may affect their work the next day. 

There are many domestic electricians that specialise in electrical emergencies and you can find you nearest one by searching “Emergency electrician near me” or something similar on any internet search engine. This will pull up the results for electricians locally that are happy to attend in an emergency. This service will normally be more expensive than an “in hours” service booked in advance so be sure to check prices before calling. 

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4) What services do domestic electricians offer?

There are lots of different services offered by electricians. When you search for “DOMESTIC ELECTRICIANS NEAR ME” there will be many results that also have a website. Just check their website for the services that they offer. We may not be local to you but you can see the services offered on our website here: 

When a company cares about their customers they will try to provide all the information that their customers need. A great way of doing this is to write articles and blogs and have a great website that customers can look at. 

Typically, domestic electrician services will include things like:
  • Rewiring a property
  • Repairing electrical faults
  • Replacing a fuse board or consumer unit
  • Installing extra socket
  • Changing a light fitting or adding extra lights
  • Supplying a hot tub or garden shed
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5) How long does a quote for domestic work take?

From contacting the company to getting a quote for your work can vary. A good domestic electrical company will respond to your request within 24 hours and then try to get as much information from you as possible. 

Not every job will require a site visit in order to carry out a quote for the work. Smaller jobs can often be estimated or quoted from some customer supplied photographs. Larger jobs will require a site visit which should be arranged at a mutually convenient time for both customer and contractor. Most jobs should have a written quote produced and emailed to the customer within a week. 😊 

We understand it can be frustrating trying to get quotes for work from tradespeople. Promises of phone calls, emails, visits and wasted time attempting to get prices for work. Your time is important and should not be wasted, that is why if we feel a particular project is not for us, we will let you know as soon as possible and will even recommend a local electrician that may be better suited to assist you. If we are able to offer you a quote then we will do this as soon as possible. 

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6) Should I get three quotes?

You should always get more than one quote for the work you want carried out but not to try and get the cheapest price. There are times when shopping around makes sense. If you are buying a car, shopping or an item from a shop then it’s a good idea to try and save some money as you are buying a product. With work carried out in your home, you are not buying a product, you are buying a SERVICE

Shopping around for the cheapest service normally never ends well. Rather than price being the number one concern for your project you need to consider the quality of the service, workmanship and after care you will experience from your chosen tradesperson. Its far better to have the job done right first time than it is to have endless snagging, chasing for repairs or worse…Having to have the work carried out twice. 

Google reviews are your friend here. Also, try and meet with your tradesperson, see if they know what they are talking about. Do they make sense? Do you get a good ‘gut feeling’ about them? Are they happy to show their face on their website? Do they try to inform you about all aspects of their work? 

If you have any questions about electrical works then get in touch. We promise not to harass you or sell your details to anyone. Fill in our contact form with confidence. 😊

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