1) Why does this happen?
A common issue that customers call us for is plugs and sockets. There are a multitude of things that can go wrong with these and when they do, people can be scared and rightly so. Electricity is dangerous and when things go wrong it can be very frightening. We are often asked “HOW TO STOP A PLUG OVERHEATING” and we will go over this below.
There are a few reasons why this might occur and we shall write about each.
⚡Overloading the plug
⚡Overloading the socket
⚡Aging plugs and sockets
⚡Damaged plugs and sockets
⚡Faulty equipment
Back to top2) Overloading the plug
A plug can become overloaded really easily. In fact, a lot of people don’t realise just HOW easily this can happen. A 13-amp plug must be able to handle 13 amps right? Yes and No.
It can actually allow 20 amps of current to pass ALL DAY LONG. Whilst the fuse is rated at 13 Amps this does not mean we can use 13 amps continuously. A continuous power load of 13 Amps or over will see the plug top get hot and even melt or catch fire.
A plug top can safely handle 13 amps for short periods and only 10 amps continuously but the fuse won’t actually blow until it hits just over 20 amps!!!! Confusing eh??
That’s why we have a socket overload calculator for you on our website. It can be found here.
Back to top3) Overloading the socket
Just like overloading the plug, it is possible to overload the socket quite easily too and not a lot of people realise just how easily this can be done. Most sockets can handle an electrical current of 13 amps safely. This includes single and double sockets. Now it is relatively hard to overload a single socket without using extensions leads and lots of power-hungry appliances but it may be relatively easy to overload a double socket rated to 13 amps by the use of just two appliances.
A washing machine and a tumble dryer can easily overload a double socket and cause melting and burning especially if the appliances are used at the same time.
A washing machine and tumble dryer can each require up to 13 amps of current in order to carry out their functions. This totals up to 26 amps which is almost double the electrical current that the socket can safely handle. In reality this may not happen very often but when it does, we see melting, burning and electrical issues with the socket and wiring. In order for the socket to be overloaded both appliances would need to draw their full current at exactly the same time which can sometimes happen.
Back to top4) Aging plugs and sockets
Inside a plug there are screw terminals, a fuse holder, a cord grip and the pins that slot into the plug socket and secure the plug in the wall. In the socket there are more moving parts than this along with the terminals for the wiring and the switch rockers.
When plugs and socket age, wiring becomes looser, moving parts have rubbed against each other repeatedly causing wear. This constant wear causes looser connections and this causes poorer electrical contact.
When connections are not tight and firm there is an increased resistance to the flow of electrical current in a circuit. This leads to an increase in temperature in the plug and the socket which in turn INCREASES RESISTANCE FURTHER. This can quickly become a vicious circle resulting in excessive heat and melting or fire risk.
The best way to “STOP A PLUG OVERHEATING” is to get your appliances and sockets checked regularly by an electrician. When we say regularly, the actual recommended inspection frequency for domestic properties is 10 years for an electrical inspection. This is normally sufficient. We will measure circuit resistances, earthing and electrical installation condition and produce a report detailing our findings. If your sockets and switches are several decades old then it is sensible to have them replaced for new items. The electrician carrying out the replacement should test the circuit before and after and produce an electrical certificate showing the results for the resistances on the circuit and many other test results. This is your guarantee that the circuit is safe to put back into operation and your guarantee that the electrician is happy with the work and will put their name to it.
Back to top5) Damage plugs and sockets
Hopefully you will have damaged plugs and socket replaced quickly but all to often they are simply left to continue being used or to sit there whilst other sockets pick up the slack and take the strain. The problem with leaving damage electrical accessories is that you can only see the damage on the front of them and not any internal damage that is putting the wiring and your home at risk. Sockets that have become cracked, have ceased working or are otherwise not correct can be indicative of more serious problems and simply ignoring them is not safe or sensible. If there is any damage to sockets or switches in your home then have an electrician come replace them for you.
Back to top6) Faulty Equipment
When there is faulty electrical equipment in your home it puts you and your home at risk. Many fires have happened due to faulty electrical equipment. Some of these risks can be avoided by ensuring that any equipment that is purchased is done so through an authorised, reputable retailer. Many fakes are sold commonly even through large internet retailers so it is often down to you, the consumer, to ensure that the equipment you are purchasing meets safety standards. This will be covered in another article at a later date.
If you have faulty equipment already installed that you know to be faulty, please do not continue to use it. It is tempting to continue using equipment if it works when we:
⚡ Wiggle the cord
⚡ Press harder
⚡ Give it a kick
And so on. You know what I mean. We have all done it at some point. That appliance that needs a special knock, the lead that doesn’t quite work unless it’s in a certain position and so on. This just means that the electrical equipment is not safe and should be inspected, repaired or recycled.
In order to “STOP A PLUG OVERHEATING” there are simple steps that we should all take. We all have a responsibility for electrical safety in our own homes and if we ignore the signs then we put ourselves and our loved ones at risk.
If you have any electrical safety concerns then please contact us. We are able to offer free help and advice or more in-depth electrical safety inspection services that will highlight any dangers in your home. 😊
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