When we receive a call because there are electrical problems in your home we will normally have a good idea what type of fault is causing the issue but before we can be sure of the exact problem and where or what in your house is causing the problem, we need to trace the issue. This is usually very quick but can take up to a few hours using specialised electrical test equipment.
Assuming you have unplugged all your appliances, most issues cannot be resolved by email conversation or over the phone although this can sometimes help us to gain a better understanding of the problem. In fact, most issues require us to attend your home and diagnose before we can give you a quote for the repair costs.
On occasion, certain faults can be rectified whilst we are there and without any cost for materials or further labour other than the labour involved in finding the fault.
Fuse boards tripping can be caused by rodent damage, moisture, old wiring that requires replacement and issues caused by faulty earthing to name a few. Whilst there are typically only “three wires” involved in our domestic electrical supply, there are a variety of faults and issues that can only be detected by a qualified and experienced electrician.
We will always give an honest appraisal of the fault and costs involved should extra work be necessary.
Most Importantly, don’t worry. You are in good hands with us. :)
Paul Higgins
V&A Burgess Ltd