Electrician in Warrington
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1) I have an issue with a light fitting in Warrington, can you help?

Of course, we can, it is what we do. We are able to investigate, diagnose and repair most lighting issues quickly and with minimal fuss. If you have a light fitting problem in Warrington then call us. We cover Warrington and many other areas in the north west.

Before you pick up the phone, there may be some checks that you could do yourself to save money and time. For instance, have you checked the following:

  • No circuit breakers / electric switches have tripped in your fuse box?
  • Light switches on the walls don’t appear broken or damaged?
  • That all the lamps (bulbs) in the light fitting are actually working and not blown?
  • You don’t have a power cut (I know it’s silly)

Many light fitting issues are often simple to sort out and may be within your power to rectify yourself without the need for us to attend. Don’t misunderstand me though, we are always happy to come out and have a look for you, our charges can be found on our website. It does look a bit silly for everyone when we turn up with sophisticated test equipment and a van full of tools just to find that the final light bulb had blown in that light fitting!!! 😊

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2) I have checked the list above and there are still problems!

So, if you have done a few checks and are convinced that there is a fault with your lights, then give us a call. We are here to help and we can normally attend to solve the problem for you. We have varying levels of service available and therefore cost. We are able to attend as an emergency in hours, out of hours or as a non-emergency at a mutually convenient time for you and ourselves.

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3) Do you have spare light fittings to put up for me?

We carry basic white pendants which are a piece of white cable and a lamp holder (bulb) on the end. A shade can be fitted to these at a later date and makes an acceptable light fitting depending on the décor in your home. We also carry small round LED bulk head type fittings. These are suitable for bathrooms, utility rooms and small kitchens. They can also be used outdoors if needed. They are basic and un-offensive and get some light back where there have been problems.

We also carry floodlights on the van in the event you need a replacement or new light putting up, it is best to let us know in advance thought as we can make sure we have the right number of lights and the right power fittings for your needs.

If you have a light fitting problem involving flickering lights then read on…..

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4) What can cause flickering lights?

There are a number of causes for flickering lights and if you are In Warrington or near the M62 or East Lancashire Road we are able to assist you. We cover areas between Liverpool and Leigh.

Flickering lights can be caused by various issues such as:

  • Loose wiring.
  • Damaged wiring.
  • Poor installation of light fittings.
  • Burnt wiring.
  • Incorrect Lamps for the fitting.
  • Incorrect dimmers for the lights.
  • Large powerful appliances demanding power.

As you can see there are a range of things that could cause lights to flicker and as such it is often difficult to pin a flickering light problem down to one thing and certainly not possible over the phone. Best to call us or use our contact form if you have flickering lights and then we can investigate for you.

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5) Light bulbs keep blowing, what is that all about?

This is a fairly common issue that we are asked about by our clients.

Old light fitting: Light fittings can become worn with age. Contacts that connect the electrical supply to the bulbs within the light fitting can become worn and make poor connections. This can cause lamps (bulbs) to blow frequently and make you think that there are serious problems when in fact there are not.

Poor quality lamps (bulbs): Cheap lamps, manufactured to a low budget can often have poor life spans despite what may be written on the box regarding number of hours of life expectancy. Try purchasing better quality lamps with a well-known brand name, paying a little more for them.

Constantly slightly high or low voltages: If you find that other electrical items in your property are not living up to their life expectancy then it may be the case that you have voltage problems. Excessively high or low voltages can cause electrical appliances and accessories not to function well over a long period and can cause wear and tear and strain on them.

Surges in supply: These can wear out equipment quicker than normal and the best way to protect against these is to have surge protection at the incoming part of your electrical installation to protect the wiring and appliances in your home.  

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6) I have put up a light fitting and now nothing works can you fix it?

It depends how badly you broke it! Normally we can fix things for you with a smile. Best to get us in before things go wrong normally but we are happy to help when DIY disaster has struck too. If you are planning any electrical works, try and budget the cost of an electrician to safely install and test the work being carried out. Did you know, just because there appears to be an earth wire at the light fitting does not guarantee that this is connected?

Only an electrician has the equipment, knowledge and experience to safely install electrical equipment and carry out the relevant testing in accordance with the wiring regulations to ensure your safety and that of those in your home. Some DIY jobs are not worth the risk.

So…. Don’t think that your light fitting problem can’t be solved, there are lots of things we can do to help you if you need us to. Contact us today!

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