Table of Contents
- Why is my plug socket loose?
- What can be done about a loose plug socket
- My plug socket is hanging off what can I do?
- I want to decorate but need the switches and sockets removed first
- The plug sockets need changing can you do this?
- I accidentally damaged a plug socket can it be repaired?
- My actual plug socket switch wont turn on or off, the switch part itself, what is this?
- How much does it cost to replace a loose plug socket?
- Its only a 5 minute job surely?
1) Why is my plug socket loose?
There can be a number of reasons that can make a loose plug socket. In order to understand what can make a plug socket loose we can look at how they are fixed to the wall and their housing. There are a number of ways that a plug socket can be fixed to a wall. There is the metal back box that is buried in the plasterwork and often secured with screws and adhesive, the plastic back box that is inserted into plasterboard and secured with lugs behind the plasterboard and there is the surface mounted pattress which is normally screwed to the wall to secure it.
The plug socket is secured to each of these different mounting boxes using machine threaded screws. There can be a number of things that can go wrong.
- Screws can become damaged and not hold the socket anymore
- The receiving lugs can become damaged and not accept the screws anymore
- The back box or surface mounted box can become loose
- The socket can get cracked or damaged and cause a loose fitment
Sometimes the wall itself can have loose plaster work and fail to hold the box onto the wall causing the whole assembly to come loose.
Back to top2) What can be done about a loose plug socket
A qualified electrician can safely isolate the electrical installation and investigate the cause of the loose socket for you. There is normally a straightforward way of repairing or replacing things when they get loose and your electrician will normally have repair kits or replacement socket boxes in stock ready to install in cases where it is necessary.
Back to top3) My plug socket is hanging off what can I do?
The first thing you should do is turn off the electrical supply to the sockets. This is normally done at the consumer unit / fuse board for the property. The consumer unit / fuse board is normally located in the house or garage. Under the stairs is common and also by the front door. It is an electrical box with lots of switches in. If you are not sure which switch turns the sockets off then it is best to turn off all the switches. Not all consumer units / fuse boards are labelled or labelled correctly and it is best to take no chances. If you cant turn the supply off or are worried then please call us and we will come out immediately and sort the situation out for you. Once the supply to the sockets is turned off then you need to find an emergency electrician to come and sort the issue out for you.
Back to top4) I want to decorate but need the switches and sockets removed first
This is not a problem and is quite a common request. We are often asked to remove sockets and switches and make safe whilst decoration is carried out. We are happy to attend your property and remove all the electrical accessories for you, make safe the wiring and so on whilst you paint. There are some instances where we can leave everything connected and working but still allow you to paint and carry out decoration. We are free if you would like to talk to us about this.
Back to top5) The plug sockets need changing can you do this?
Another common request is for us to change plug sockets and other electrical accessories. When decorating, new paint and wallpaper can make aging electrical accessories look worse than normal. We are happy to supply and install new, high quality modern looking electrical accessories for you. You are welcome to supply your own or ask us to supply and fit what we recommend.
Back to top6) I accidentally damaged a plug socket can it be repaired?
Normally if you have damaged a plug socket then it is much more economical to have the plug socket replaced as they are not designed to be repaired. If there is a damaged plug socket in your home then it is important to have this looked at as soon as possible as this can give rise to dangers such as exposed live parts, risk of arcing, sparking or fire and so on.
Back to top7) My actual plug socket switch wont turn on or off, the switch part itself, what is this?
When you have a plug socket that will not turn on or off then this is an indication that there is something wrong with it. The switches are not designed to last forever and will eventually give up. There can be other issues such as excessive heat build up in the back or inner workings of the socket causing melting, fusing and bonding of the plastics within the socket. If excessive heat builds up it can fuse the switch into position meaning it will no longer be able to be switched from on to off and so on. Where we suspect that there has been thermal damage, burning, arcing or excessive temperatures causing melting then we will endeavour to investigate a little further to ensure that the circuit is safe
When there has been burning or melting then it will often be necessary to cut the cable back to insulation that has not been damaged and to clean the copper conductors underneath. It may then be necessary to extend the cables in the back of the plug socket enclosure / box.
Back to top8) How much does it cost to replace a loose plug socket?
This is normally covered under our minimum charging structure and the latest price on this can be seen on our website.
Back to top9) Its only a 5 minute job surely?
Nearly always, a job takes far longer than 5 minutes. Replacing a plug socket places a duty on the installer / electrician to carry out some professional testing and inspection. They may decide that it is necessary to issue a MEIWC (Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate).
A MEIWC is a document that covers small electrical works carried out. Normally used where extending or modifying a circuit.
As a minimum, once the socket has been swapped for a replacement that electrician should perform a test on the circuit to ensure that the socket if correctly earthed and that the RCD (electric shock prevention device) is functioning correctly. Electricians have a duty to carry out testing whenever they are performing work to ensure that they are leaving an installation in a safe condition (or not worse than when they arrived).
If you have a loose plug socket then call us on 0151 351 4011. We will come and repair the problem and ensure that our work is done right, your home is looked after and your safety is maintained.
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