Flashing plug socket
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1) My plug socket flashes is this normal?

No, not really. If your plug socket is flashing then it is likely that there is electrical arcing going on behind the socket or inside the inner workings of the socket. If this is the case then it is potentially very dangerous and should be investigated by a qualified electrician immediately to find out the cause. Left unattended or ignored the problem could develop into a more serious issue and potentially start a fire. 

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2) Why does my plug socket spark when I unplug things?

This can be quite normal depending on the circumstances. If the plug socket is turned on and the appliance that you are unplugging is turned on also then it can sometimes create a spark when plugging or unplugging the appliance from the plug socket. This is because there is a sudden load waiting for electricity and as the plug comes into contact with the socket there is a brief moment when the contact are not quite touching. It is in this moment that electricity will attempt to jump the gap between plug pins and socket causing a small and temporary flash. 

This can be avoided by making sure the appliance and socket are turned off when you plug in or unplug appliances. The phenomenon itself is not particularly dangerous but it can cause premature wear and tear on appliance plugs and sockets. 

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3) The plug socket crackles, why?

A plug socket will crackle if there are loose connections somewhere. There are actually a few moving parts in an electrical socket and as such there is the potential for things to become loose in there. As metal slides over metal each time a switch is operated or an appliance plugged in or unplugged the socket can become worn causing poor contact between the socket and the plug pins that have been inserted. This can cause a tiny gap between contacts and electricity will always try and jump this gap which will cause the crackling sound we hear.

There could also be loose wiring in the rear of the socket and this should be investigated as soon as possible as loose wires cause fires. The loose wiring in the back of the plug socket can cause the same type of crackling sound as loose connections inside the socket itself. 

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4) Can a bad plug socket be repaired?

No. They are not designed to be pulled apart and made good again, in fact, if you tried you would find that bits of socket, springs and other metal parts would likely spray out all over the place 😊 It is far more sensible, economically viable and less time consuming to allow your electrician to simply replace the socket for a new one. This can cause a temporary problem if you need all the sockets to match in your home but as a safety concern we will always replace immediately if needed and likely with a plain white socket to keep it up and running until an exact match can be found. 

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5) Can loose wiring cause a fire behind a socket?

Yes, we do occasionally see burnt out wiring behind sockets that renders the socket and cables useless.  If we are lucky we can extend the cables enough to make safe and install a blanking plate. Sometimes in order to reinstate a socket we need to find enough good cable on the circuit to pull into the socket. It is occasionally necessary to extend the wiring and replace the socket afterwards if there is no length left on the existing cable. 

In more modern installations it is unusual to see poor socket wiring causing a fire as the consumer unit is more likely to detect a problem and shut off the power to the circuit before the problem has a chance to develop. This can also make for an easier and less costly repair for your electrician to carry out. 

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6) What has happened in the photograph?

This was a job that we attended where the customer could smell burning every time the washing machine was on. We found that the socket had been badly burned where the washing machine plug plugged in. The cause of this was likely a worn and aged socket that should have been replaced long ago as part of a sensible maintenance routine. 

When combining loose connections with high powered appliances there is often a problem that develops. 
It is recommended that you replace the sockets and switches in your home occasionally. They are manufactured well in general but once they get to be several decades old they have likely seen a lot of use and will require replacement in order to give continued safe service.

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7) When does a plug socket need replacing?

There are a few indications that your plug sockets need replacing. If you find that half of the double socket does not accept a plug anymore then it is likely that not only that socket, but others of the same age in the property should be replaced. 

If you find that the plug does not sit snugly in the socket then this is another indication that the plug socket should be replaced. 

It is not worth the risk with electricity. Electrical accessories like light switches, plug sockets and light fittings are not meant to last forever. Everything has a life span and things wear out with use and become unsafe. 

If you are finding that your PLUG SOCKET FLASHES or you have other strange electrical issues in your home then please get in touch and let us come and put things right for you.

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