If you have a plug socket that has suddenly stopped working there can be a number of reasons.
- Loose wires
- Faulty Socket
- Burnt out terminals
- Circuit problems
- Trip switch faults
- Consumer unit issue
Loose wires: Can cause a plug socket to stop working and appliances to stop working. Whilst annoying it is also very dangerous and if a plug socket has stopped working then it is likely there is hidden damage to cables and the socket itself already.
A faulty socket: Can stop a plug socket from working. Inside an electrical plug socket there are a number of moving parts. These parts are operated every time the switch is turned on and off and every time a plug is inserted in to the plug socket. Whilst plug sockets are designed to last for a very long time, many homes have sockets that are several decades old and simply are no longer safe or usable. Moving parts inside the socket rub against each other, come loose and cause high resistance and heat to build up. If your plug sockets look old or you just are not sure about them, then have them checked out.
Burnt out terminals: Is common on sockets that are used in a kitchen or utility room. Normally loose wiring / worn sockets combined with appliances that demand a lot of power will cause terminals and wiring to become very hot and catch fire or smoulder away. When this happens the PVC insulation around the cables melts along with the terminals on the back of the socket and sometimes the socket itself!
Circuit problems: Are common in homes. Wiring is left without inspection or maintenance for many decades because we never question the safety of something that appears to be working. Sometimes an electrical MOT is really advisable especially if the electrical installation in the home is over 10 years old. Circuit problems can cause sockets to fail, trip switches to trip and other problems.
Head over to our knowledge centre for more information: https://www.electricalfaultsfixed.co.uk/knowledge-centre?combine=&field_services_target_id=All&sort_by=title&sort_order=ASC
Trip switch faults: are an annoyance at best and at worst can indicate serious wiring defects in the home. A trip switch is designed to disconnect power to sockets, lights, cooker, shower and so on. These trip switches are there to protect the cabling in our home, our appliances and US from electric shock and fire!!!
If a trip switch trips PLEASE do not keep resetting it. At best you will break the trip switch eventually and at worst you may irreparably damage your homes wiring system. If a trip switch goes off, please call your local fault finding electrician to come and investigate the problem for you.
Leaving a trip switch problem can result in expensive repairs!
Consumer unit issue: You can find that a plug socket suddenly stopped working if there are consumer unit issues. The consumer unit is the mains electrical box with all the switches or fuses in that controls the power around your home. If there are problems inside this box then it will definitely require investigating by a qualified electrician who specialises in electrical faults.