Electrician in Liverpool
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1) Is there a problem with my plug sockets in my Liverpool home?

If your plug sockets are not working then there is definitely a problem. There can be a whole array of different problems that have caused them to stop working. We take for granted our electrical systems in our homes, year after year these systems perform without failure, without complaint and all the while slowly degrading in some way. It is only when something actually stops working that we question if everything is alright. 

There can be a variety of causes for PLUG SOCKETS NOT WORKING including the following:

  • A tripped circuit breaker or RCD in your fuse box.

  • A faulty cable.

  • A Faulty socket.

  • A power cut.

  • Burnt out wiring.

  • Water has entered the electrical system.

  • A faulty appliance has caused an issue.

There are of course many more causes than these and we always get to the bottom of the problem but these are the most common causes of plug socket failure.

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2) Are there any basic things that I can try to get my plug sockets working again?

Yes absolutely. We recommend that you try our help sheet if your electric has tripped. This can be found on our website under the help sheets section and is called “Help my electrics tripped” 

If you find that you have a switch that has tripped then this might be the best help sheet to get you back up and running, or, at least try! 

If nothing has tripped at the consumer unit / fuse box and there is still no power to your plug sockets then this may require further investigation by a qualified electrician, best call us if you can! 

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3) What does it mean if nothing has tripped?

If you find that the PLUG SOCKETS ARE NOT WORKING , it can mean that there are more serious issues that can only be solved by an electrician attending your property. Typically, if you have no plug sockets working but have lights working in your property then there is a good likelihood that there is a major problem somewhere. Typically, this could be one of a few things:

  • Failed circuit breaker or failed RCD switch.

  • Burnt out cabling.

  • An issue within the consumer unit / fuse box.

  • An issue on the circuit.

Regardless of what the problem might be, there are certain times when no amount of DIY is going to help. This is one of those times. DIY can be very dangerous where electrical installations are concerned and certain works should definitely be left to an electrician. Please call us straight away if you are having these kinds of electrical problems. We will need to attend to investigate and put this right for you and we may recommend that you leave the electrical supply to your home turned off until we can attend to investigate. 

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4) This sounds serious? Should I be worried?

We do not want you to worry but we do want you to be safe. 

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5) I don’t have any plug sockets or any lights can you help?

Yes. However, if you have absolutely no power at all in your home then there may be a local power cut. If you have no sockets, no lighting, no electric cooker etc then there could be a local issue affecting your electrical supply that has nothing to do with the electrics in your home. In this instance it is sensible to call the local electrical network operator. If you call 105 then this will put you through to your local network operator. Follow your way through the telephone menu and then explain the situation to the operator. 

They should be able to tell you if there is a local power cut, or if they suspect an issue with your home supply then they may be able to attend and check their equipment. 

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6) I heard popping noises then the electric went off, is this bad?

Yes, it is 😊 

If you have heard these kinds of noises then that indicates that there may be a serious issue. Best turn your electrical supply off and call us. We are emergency fault finding and repair specialists and we will attend your home to make safe and restore power where possible. 

Popping electrical noises tend to happen when live cables or live parts come into contact with earth. This can happen when cables get damaged, when sockets break down inside and when other factors affect the electrics. Regardless of the cause, please do not try and investigate this yourself, call the experts in. If your consumer unit  / fuse box has tripped, do not reset it more than once. Continually resetting your consumer unit / fuse box is a very bad idea. The trip switches inside your box are designed to turn off faulty circuits and dissipate high fault currents. They have a limited ability to do this on a repeated basis and as such, will eventually fail should they be reset too many times. 

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7) I have already broken the switch  ...help!

Oh dear, this does tend to happen sometimes. Depending on how modern your consumer unit is, we may or may not be able to source replacement parts for it. We carry a range of spares for older consumer units but not every spare is available. If you have a failed component inside your consumer unit that now will not reset it may be the case that the entire consumer unit needs to be replaced. 

Try not to worry, we can quickly establish if there is a problem with the switch once we attend your home and begin our investigations. If the issue began with the PLUG SOCKETS NOT WORKING then we will likely have to investigate that first so that a replacement part does not continually blow also. 

You are in good hands with us. We solve most emergency calls within the first hour of attendance and have a good range of spares in stock in order to solve most problems, don’t panic, don’t struggle, give us a call

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