Electrician in Liverpool

The term remedial works when used in the context of an electrical report, safety inspection, EICR or landlord inspections (all the same inspection by the way!) is used to refer to any works that would be required to rectify issues or faults identified during the inspection or to bring the installation up to current standards. 

What does this mean? 

Well…. If you have had an electrical inspection carried out then there are occasionally issues that will affect the outcome of the report. An EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report) assesses the Electrical Installation for suitability for continued use. This means we inspect and test as much as we can and look for anything dangerous. 

If there is a list of observations on the report then there will be a variety of codes that accompanies these. 

  • C1 - Immediately Dangerous and should be rectified immediately. 
  • C2 - Potentially dangerous and urgent remedial action is required.
  • C3 - Not immediately dangerous, improvement recommended, further deterioration may change this code.
  • FI – Further Investigation required to ascertain more information. This code is normally used when something cannot be investigated or verified at the time of the inspection due to various factors including limitations. In this case the code is applied when the inspector believes that the further investigation may lead to a C2 or C1 code.

Occasionally an inspector will make an observation that doesn’t require a code but simply wishes to note it down to let the customer know that it has been seen and noted.

Remedial works can include repairing an electrical installation, finding faults such as breaks on circuits, poor insulation resistance readings (insulation is the stuff that wraps around the copper in the cabling), poor earth paths, unsecured electrical accessories and so on. Most remedial works will be listed along with a quote or estimate for the costs alongside the report or a few days afterwards.

In order to achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome on an EICR there must be either no codes or only C3 codes. C1, C2 and FI codes mean that the report is unsatisfactory. The C3 codes do not mean “take no action” quite the contrary, if a professional has examined the installation and recommended improvement then it is important to consider this. Whilst a C3 code may not be dangerous today, further degradation or change in the installation could see this code change and it is important to monitor any issues to ensure the safety of the installation.

We regularly carry out remedial works for many clients, landlords and estate agents. There are times when we carry out the works after a different company has performed the inspection and perhaps is not available within the timescale required to complete the remedials works.

If you have any remedial works issues that need putting right then call us:

0151 351 4011