Shower faults - photo by Electrical Faults Fixed in Liverpool
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1) Shower cable overheating is a dangerous electrical fault...Read on for more information.

There are many potential electrical dangers in our homes these days. Possibly more so than in years gone by due to the increased reliance on electricity and the ever-increasing demand of bigger and better things. We have high powered appliances in our homes such as electrical vehicle car charges, big electric cookers, and electric showers. Not to mention, kettles, toasters, electric boilers, and a long list of other power-hungry appliances. When it comes to electric showers, nearly every client says the same thing – “we need a more powerful shower”. People want nice hot water and lots of it. A great flow rate, nice and hot is what everyone wants for a shower. When it comes to electric showers though, there are common problems that we come across that often require a redesign of the electrical circuit or system in order to provide the required power to the shower. If you have a

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3) Too powerful a shower🚿

Very commonly we find that electric showers have been replaced for more powerful electric showers where the electrical supply was never designed to cope. Cables, installation methods and demand on your electrical system are all considered when an electrician designs the electrical circuit. Often, there is no leeway for an increased demand on the system and this needs to be considered before replacing an electric shower for a more powerful version. Where the electricity demand exceeds the capability of the cable and the system supplying the shower there are often problems and dangers that arise. Overheating cabling, overheating trip switches, and burning of connections and electric shock risk are all potential issues that can occur. If you are considering replacing your electric shower then you need to consult an electrician to ascertain if the supply is suitable or needs upgrading. Anyone other than an electrician is not suitably qualified to advise on the suitability of the electrical system for the change in circumstance. 

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4) Loose connections

Loose connections are a danger to the electrical system and occupants of any property. Loose wiring creates a situation where electricity cannot flow freely and this causes an increase in temperature, sometimes drastically so. The effects of this are proportional to the electrical demand with generally more serious consequences seen in more powerful appliances and circuits. An electric shower is likely to be the most powerful electrical circuit in your home and any issues on this circuit are likely to develop into serious problems if investigation is not carried out promptly. 

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5) Additions to the home⚠️

Where an electric shower has been installed and designed correctly there are no problems if left alone. Where alterations to the circuit or the surroundings change, we witness issues. 

  • Insulation – thermal insulation such as loft insulation can trap cables, cover them, and mean that they cannot dispose of their heat effectively any more. This causing cables to overheat and in some cases, they can catch fire. 
  • Loft Boarding – a great way to gain more storage in the home but often detrimental to the electrical system. This type of home improvement can sometimes trap cables causing shorting out, insulation faults and overheating. It’s important to consult an electrician before carrying out such modifications to ensure that there should not be any detrimental effects on the electrical system. It may, for example, be necessary to reroute cables out of the way of thermal insulation, areas where boards are planned to be installed or where electrical junctions are that may need to be accessed. If an electrical junction is to be buried it should be such that no maintenance needs ever be carried out on the junction. 
  • Drilling into walls – This is a danger that often leads to damaged cables and electric shock. before drilling into a wall, you should be absolutely certain that no cables are in the way to avoid costly repairs and potential injury. 
  • Additions carried out by previous owners – Sometimes homes are bought blind without any inspections being carried out and as such this can lead to future problems. Where previous homeowners have installed a more powerful shower for example you may not become aware until you discover a burning smell or fire. A SHOWER CABLE OVERHEATING can cause melting of cabling, electrical danger, and fire.
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6) Poor design

If the shower circuit was designed poorly in the first place, then there can be consequences. Trip switches / circuit breakers are often replaced in a consumer unit / fuse box for different brands which can cause excess electro-mechanical stresses that lead to failure or overheating. Incorrect sizing of circuit breakers can mean that cables can become overheated before the circuit breaker turns the power off. Cables can be cut too short leaving tight straining connections and the risk of loose wiring or rubbing on the cable leading to shorting out. 

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7) Alterations to the circuit⚡

Occasionally we find that someone has added to the electrical circuit and decided to power up a new electrical plug socket or other device from the electrical supply to the shower. This can lead to a variety of issues that can mean costly repairs and potential dangers to the occupants of the property. An electrical system should only be maintained and altered by a qualified and competent electrician and any additions or alterations to electrical circuits should be properly designed and installed to the wiring regulations to minimise the risk of danger and failure. 

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8) What should I do if I smell burning or suspect overheating?

You should turn off the electrical supply to your home immediately before anything else. You need to locate the electric box / consumer unit / fuse box in your home. This is often under the stairs, in the hall, front room or in the garage. It could almost be anywhere but these are the most common places. The photograph shows an overheated connection inside the consumer unit. 

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9) What can I do to stop these problems?🤔

The best form of prevention against electrical dangers and problems is to have a Periodic Electrical Inspection carried out. More information on this can be found here: 

If your home has not been subject to a Periodic Electrical Inspection in the last ten years then it is important to have this carried out. In order to prevent a SHOWER CABLE OVERHEATING an electrical inspection is the best way. 😊

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