Fusebox - Is there a power cut in my area?
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1) Is there a power cut in my area?⚠️

Call 105 to check for local power cuts in your area. It is the easiest quickest and best way to establish if there is a problem in the street or with the supply coming in to your home. 105 is a FREE PHONE number and within a couple of minutes there is normally someone helpful on the phone to let you know what is happening with the electricity supply in your area. 

The local Distribution Network Operators for the UK can be found by using this link to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_network_operator

If you are asking is there a power cut in my area? Yet, the neighbours appear to have lights on and you do not then there could be a problem with YOUR electrics. It might be that there is an issue with the electric meter in your home. To check if there is a problem with your electric meter, you should ring your electricity supplier to ask them to run some checks. They can do this remotely in some cases with the more modern meters. If your meter is an older type of meter then this may not be possible over the phone. 

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2) There is no issue with the meter or the DNO, what now?🤔

Has anything tripped at your electric box? This is normally the first step you would take before the above steps. If nothing has tripped at all then you will need to call your local emergency electrician to come and investigate the situation for you. 

If one of your switches has tripped then try resetting it. Some older consumer units / electric boxes have switches that are a rotary dial type switch. It can sometimes be difficult to ascertain if these have actually tripped or not so make sure you have a torch and check the markings on the switch. 

If you are unable to reset a trip switch then there may be an electrical fault that is preventing the switch from resetting. You can try our free help sheet to enable you to attempt to restore power which is available here: https://www.electricalfaultsfixed.co.uk/helpsheet/help-my-house-electrics-are-tripping (This may be easier to view on a laptop or tablet rather than a mobile).

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3) I have tried the help sheet & it did not help me🤷

Sorry. ☹ It looks like the only option you have left is to call your local 24-hour emergency electrician to come and investigate the problem for you. Electrical problems can be dangerous sometimes so do not attempt to continually reset the switch or investigate any further as you may be putting yourself and others at risk. Electrical trip switches are also not designed to be continually reset and tripped and will eventually break! 

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4) How much is an emergency electrician likely to cost me?⚡

This depends on where you are in the country and what your local emergency electrician would charge. Our charges for this service in the North West are available here: 

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5) What could be the problems if it is not the meter, not the supply & nothing has tripped?💭

There could be several issues that have cause the power supply to fail to your property, the following list is not exhaustive:

  • Main Fuse Blown
  • Main Switch Burnt Out
  • Issue With Supply from Meter
  • Issue With Isolator
  • Faulty Switch
  • Loose Connections
  • Fuse Box Failure / Consumer Unit Failure

If you need help or advice then do not hesitate to call or use our contact form

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