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1) Help I have total power loss to my home! Stay calm, Electrical Faults Fixed in Liverpool can help.

First thing first. Don’t panic. Its probably not a massive problem!

There are a few steps you can take when you experience this type of issue and there are help-sheets on our website that can assist you in restoring the power to your home yourself. We are here to help and if you need us to attend your property to restore power for you then we will. Before you pick up the phone to call us though, have a look through the help sheet section and see if you can narrow down the problem yourself. This may save you time and money.

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2) What will you do to restore power to my home?

We will attend your property and investigate the problem for you. Using our specialist test equipment and expert knowledge, we can quickly make an assessment and ascertain the cause of the problem. We will check your wiring, your consumer unit (that box under the stairs or by the front door with all the switches in) and discuss with you what had happened before we arrived. Sometimes our clients can help us by telling us what had happened before the power loss took place.

We always aim to keep the cost of the call outs to a minimum and work quickly to restore power and repair any problems causing the power loss.

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3) Why has this happened, we have never had a problem before?

Electrical installations are one of the most neglected and yet vital systems in our home. They work continually 24 hours a day, relentlessly for year after year. We often hear the phrase “we have never had a problem before” when actually problems have been building in the background going unnoticed. Wiring can work loose overtime, strain on cables can cause them to break, external factors such as rodents, moisture, temperatures and incorrect use can cause electrical wiring and systems to break down and fail. If your electrical installation is over 10 years old and has not been inspected in the last 10 years then it is a good time to have an electrical inspection carried out.

We can pick up on a lot of electrical issues before they become serious problems by carrying out inspection and testing.

Electrical systems require maintaining and an inspection every 10 years or less is a great way of ensuring that your electrical system is maintained correctly and kept up to date with safety regulations.

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4) How much will it cost to fix the power loss problem?

If you have a no power at all then we will need to come and investigate the cause of this. There is no fixed cost for the repairs that may be necessary to restore the power to your property. Our attendance fee includes travel to your property and up to an hours labour investigating the issue. An emergency call can vary in cost depending upon the time of day / night that we attend. Our charges are on our website for you to look at.

As an example of costs, we have been asked to attend many situations where there was a total power loss.

Case A, We found that a switch in the consumer unit had tripped and disturbed power to the whole house. Within our first hour, we had found that the cause of this was the lighting circuit. We restore power to the sockets, cooker, shower, boiler and downstairs lights then investigated the upstairs lights. The issue was a faulty outdoor floodlight. This was disconnected.

This was carried out within the first hour and the costs were £120 (2022)

Case B, We found that total power loss had occurred in the property and we attended in the evening. One of the components in the consumer unit had burnt out and had damaged the incoming cables. We carry spare components on the van for many different consumer units and we had a spare which meant a second visit was not necessary which save costs. We replaced the affected part and the main cables entering the consumer unit and the total costs were £200. (2022)

Case C, An old consumer unit had burnt out and affected many of the circuits inside. A temporary repair was not possible and the wiring was very old. We recommended a rewire for the property and on this occasion we passed the telephone number of a colleague on to our customer as we were too busy to undertake the work ourselves. The total cost was approximately 5k.

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5) How long will the repairs take?

As you can see, until we know what the problems are we are unable to give you a fixed price for your total power loss problems. We can carry out investigations quickly and with your help we can keep costs to a minimum for you. We are able to repair most issues within the first hour. Occasionally we will charge for additional labour and parts to perform the repair. Sometimes we will have to quote you for the repair if it is likely to be an extensive repair.

The important thing to note is that, beyond the initial visit fee we will always keep you updated and only continue with work if you are ok with that. You are not obligated to use our services beyond the initial agreed hour. There may be times when we are unable to carry out a permanent repair quickly for you and if this is the case then we will always recommend another electrician that can help. It is more important for us that our customers issues are resolved quickly than it is for us to always get the work from you. 😊

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6) Is there a guarantee for your work?

Yes. We offer a minimum of 12 months parts and labour warranty on any permanent repairs. A further guarantee is offered by the NICEIC of 6 years as part of there platinum promise. Any temporary repairs are not normally guaranteed and are simply a means to, where possible, safely restore power until a permanent repair can be carried out. It is not always possible to offer a cheap, quick, temporary repair as there are many safety regulations that we have to follow and these mean that any repair must meet a minimum standard of wiring safety.

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7) Can I just call for advice?

Yes BUT…. Please do not call through the late hours of the night / early hours of the morning unless you require our attendance. If the issue can wait and you just want verbal reassurance / advice then we can do this for you during normal business hours. 😊 We are happy to bail out at all hours of the day to fix electrical problems but we do need our beauty sleep too and advice can normally wait until the morning. So, if you need urgent attendance give us a call on 0151 351 4011.

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