Electrician in Liverpool
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1) I have a problem in my fuse box there is a switch down

Ok. So, to help solve this problem there are a few things that you can do. Firstly, there is normally a reason that this TRIP SWITCH has tripped and it is normally because there is a problem on the circuit NOT the switch. AHA! 

So, these switches are there to prevent the cables in your home from becoming damaged, to prevent fire, electric shock and so on. PLEASE do not keep turning this switch back on! If it wants to stay down then leave it down and call us! We will come and investigate before it fails.

But first, let us try and save you some money because, well, we are nice like that. 😊

If you are new to the website then I strongly recommend that you go and have a look at the following help sheet which may help you to fix the problem without us attending.


There is a help sheet there that helps with switches tripping. Have a read and then call us if you cannot fix it. 

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2) Why is there a problem on a circuit? In fact, what is a circuit?

Two good questions. Let us answer the second question first.

A circuit is a loop of cable. An outgoing loop and a return loop. There is normally equipment attached to this loop of cable for example sockets or light fittings. The circuit feeds power to these items of equipment. The circuit is protected by a trip switch. The job of the trip switch or circuit breaker is to disconnect the power to the circuit when there is a problem.

There may be a problem on the circuit for a whole variety of reasons. Done any DIY recently? Put a nail or screw in the wall or taken one out? This may make the colour drain out of your face as you realise that shelf that has just gone up in the lounge. If you haven’t carried out any DIY then there could be a number of other reasons why there might be an issue on the circuit. 

  • Damaged cable.

  • Damaged light fitting or socket.

  • Rodent damage to wiring.

  • Old cabling.

  • Faulty switch in consumer unit (rarer).

  • Faulty equipment connected to the circuit.

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3) None of your advice has helped so far what can we do?

If you have a TRIP SWITCH that won’t turn on and you have tried everything in our help sheet in the link above then there may be no option other than for us to attend and to try and rectify the problem on site for you. We are able to attend at all hours of the day and night so if the problem is urgent and you require immediate attendance then just call us. If the problem can wait and you don’t want us to attend right away then wait until normal working hours and make the call to us. We will arrange a convenient time to come and look at the issue for you. 

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4) How much will it cost for you to come out? 

Check our latest prices on our website under the help sheet “how much is it?” or give us a call. If you require attendance as an urgent request then this is a little more than arranging a convenient day and time with us. 

Furthermore, emergency electrical issues involving random tripping of switches requires fault finding. The initial diagnosis will be carried out within the hour and most issues are usually fixed within the first hour however, we won’t know the particular reason your circuit breaker or switch is tripping until we have performed our initial diagnosis. Once we have carried this out for you, we will be able to give you an estimate or quote for further works.

If your switch is tripping because there is a simple wiring fault then we may well be able to rectify this for you quickly and at minimal further cost. If your switch is tripping because there is a faulty cable caused by nail or screw damage then, this may take a little longer to safely repair. 

Whatever the issue, don’t worry we have you covered. 

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5) Am I in any danger?

Not necessarily. If a switch has tripped then don’t try to keep resetting it. It is safer if it stays off until an electrician can investigate the problem for you. Whilst we are on site, we will tell you if we see any further electrical problems that are unsafe or may become unsafe in the future. 

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6) We have never had a problem before, why has this happened?

There is every chance that whilst you think this is a sudden unexpected issue, it is in fact a problem that has been brewing for some time. Just because the issue has not previously been severe enough to trigger a safety device does not mean that there hasn’t been an issue from prior electrical work carried out, cabling installed poorly, aging wiring or components and so forth. The only thing that has drawn your attention to the issue is the switch tripping. We are able to investigate for you and find the cause. 

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7) I’m busy now, can I call you in a few days?

You can, but it might be that the switch may be able to be reset by then. It is always best to call us AT THE TIME of the problem so that the fault is persisting and we can find the issue much more easily than if the problem is left to settle. 

Whatever works best for you of course. We are always happy to attend whether that is now or in a few days or much later on. Just bear in mind that a TRIP SWITCH has a limited number of “trips” that it can perform before failure. 

When a trip switch trips it is not always a gentle turning off of power. More often than not, the switch has to dissipate a huge fault current far beyond its rating. Asking this device to repeatedly dispose of large power surges / fault currents will not end well AND if your equipment is old then there is a chance that there is limited life left in the device and a replacement will be difficult or impossible to source potentially meaning a WHOLE NEW CONSUMER UNIT is needed. 

Sometimes a proactive approach is sensible. Putting off an oil change on your car for too long can mean hefty repair bills for example. Contact your local Liverpool electrician today. 

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