Electrician in Liverpool
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1) There are a number of things that can cause this:

  • Vibration from supply frequency
  • Heating and cooling of metal as electricity flows through cables
  • Screw connections becoming loose
  • Frequent switching on and off causing loose connections

The list is not extensive and there are other causes. If you suspect you have LOOSE WIRES IN WARRINGTON or any surrounding areas then please call us.  Loose wiring is a cause of electrical fires and can be a very serious problem. 

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2) Should wires be tightened?

According to the wiring regulations, wiring should be installed such that the cables cannot become damaged, manufacturers instructions regarding correct torque of connections should be followed and reasonable steps should be taken to ensure that no damage should come to the wiring or electrical system. The actual list of requirements in the wiring regulations is FAR MORE TECHNICAL than this and the actual book is nearly 600 pages long! 

Yes, cables should be tight, secure and not at risk of damage!!!

Electrical connections can also be overtightened and this can cause an equal risk of electrical problems which can lead to damage to electrical accessories, cabling and cause arcing. 

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3) What are the common signs of loose wiring?

There are a number of common signs that wiring may be loose in your electrical system:

  • Browning or discolouration of electrical switches and sockets
  • Appliances that sometimes work then go off
  • Flickering lights
  • Total power loss then later…. Power restoration

When you see any of these signs of loose wires then it is important that you call us. These kinds of issues need to be properly investigated by qualified professionals with the correct testing equipment. Remember that loose wiring can cause fires. 

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4) Is there anything that I can do myself?

Working on an electrical installation is best left to the professionals and we would never recommend that anyone work on an electrical installation without the qualifications, knowledge and experience that is required to correctly understand the risks. The best thing that you can do if you suspect that there are problems is try to keep a little diary for a few days and pay attention to what is happening. If the problem is severe and happening frequently than absolutely call us out. If, however, you are noticing anomalies occurring infrequently then the diary is the best idea. This can save time and money when we carry out our investigations for you.

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5) Can loose wiring be repaired?

Normally yes. We would be able to check all the connections on a circuit including those at the consumer unit / fuse box, carry out our testing and confirm our test results with expected values then reconnect the circuit and restore power. If the loose connections have caused burning or melting on the cables then this may prove a little trickier to repair but we will still be able to offer a repair solution for you. If you have LOOSE WIRES IN WARRINGTON or other areas then do not worry about it we are able to help. 

If you smell any electrical burning then do not bother with keeping a diary, call us immediately. It is important that the smell is investigated as a matter of urgency as an unchecked situation like this can quickly spiral into something far more serious putting people at risk. 

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6) What does electrical burning smell like?

Electrical burning smells like a melted plastic, chemical, rotten fish type of smell.  It is incredibly toxic and distinctive. Once you have experienced the smell you will not normally forget it. Again, if you smell this smell then please call us and let us come and investigate for you.

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7) Electrical burning smell and now nothing works…

That’s not good, is it? This normally means there has been significant enough damage for something to fail permanently. When we check electrical installations that have had loose wiring or electrical burning we often find that there were signs long before there were smells. It is important to familiarise yourself with the signs of loose wiring to possibly avoid more serious issues later on. 

Typical examples of causes of this could be:

  • Blown main fuse
  • Main Switch Cable Burnt
  • Main Switch Failed
  • Electrical Isolator Failed
  • Another Fuse Blown
  • Cabling Burnt

There are other causes and each electrical installation is different so it is important for us to attend to see what can be done in your case. There are normally no quick fixes over the phone available for these types of problems unlike other electrical issues. 

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8) No power at all!

If you have absolutely no power at all in your home, with or without the funny smell then it may be a good idea in the first instance to call 105. When you call this number, it connects you to your local electricity network provider. They are responsible for the supply of electricity to properties BUT NOT any electrical equipment in the consumers side of the installation. 

You will be guided through some options and eventually speak to an operator. Once you have answered their questions they may be able to tell you if there is a local power cut in the area or if they are carrying out any electrical work on the electricity supply to your homes or surrounding homes. Once you have spoken to these people then you can make the decision regarding the necessity for an emergency electrician. 

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9) I am worried about my electrics…

Many people quietly worry about the electrical installation in their homes. We regularly are told by potential clients that they are worried but didn’t know what to do about it. 
We are here to help.

Did you know that we can carry out a thorough electrical inspection in your home and produce a lengthy, in-depth technical document for you? The document will detail any situations that are:

  • Immediately dangerous an require immediate remedial action
  • Potentially dangerous and should be rectified without delay
  • Improvements that are recommended

If you are at all concerned about the wiring in your home or suspect you may have LOOSE WIRES then you can contact us to discuss this with you. WARRINGTON and other areas are covered locally. There is lots of information about these electrical reports (EICR) and inspections on our website here:


Your local electrician in Liverpool...contact us today. 

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